1996 Penfolds Grange  | ペンフォールズ グランジ 1996

1996 Penfolds Grange | ペンフォールズ グランジ 1996


Limited availabilityLimited availabilityWine styleDry, Full Bodied style of Shiraz

The Wine Advocate
RP 93
Reviewed by:
Robert M. Parker, Jr.
Drink Date:
2006 - 2025

This dark purple-colored wine exhibits notes of sweet plum, blackberry, and cassis intermixed with some licorice, chocolate, and espresso. It is a blend of 94% Shiraz and 6% Cabernet Sauvignon that tips the scales at 14+% alcohol. The wine is layered, unctuously textured, full-bodied with tremendous intensity, moderately high tannin, and a 40-second finish. The wine needs a good 4-5 years of cellaring. Anticipated maturity: 2006-2025. This Grange should ultimately merit a higher score when it is closer to its plateau of drinkability. Imported by Southcorp Wines North America, Monterey, CA; tel. (408) 655-4848.

Published: Feb 01, 2002


Penfolds Grange is quite simply one of the wine treasures of the world, and has icon status here in Australia. Beginning life as an experimental wine, Grange has is now engrained into the wine psyche of wine lovers across the world. The vision of Max Schubert has born an Australian legend that is officially listed as a Heritage Icon of South Australia. A multi-regional masterpiece that shows power, concentration and balance to showcase the very best in Australian wine. A truly great year produced a truly great vintage of this Australian classic. Choc-berry, plum and oak on the nose unfold into dark plums, liquorice, prunes, cherry and so much more in the mouth. The fine tannins are icing on 

ワイン・アドヴォケイト RP 93 レビュアー:ロバート・パーカーJr. 適飲時期:2006年 - 2025年

この暗紫色をしたワインは、甘酸っぱいプラム、ブラックベリー、カシスに加え、リコリス、チョコレート、エスプレッソのニュアンスが混ざり合っています。シラーズ94%、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン6%のブレンドで、アルコール度数は14%以上です。ワインは層があり、とろみのある質感で、フルボディで非常に濃厚であり、タンニンは中程度高く、フィニッシュは40秒持続します。このワインは熟成に4~5年を要します。予想される熟成期間:2006年 - 2025年。このグレンジは、飲みごろに近づくにつれて最終的により高い評価を得るでしょう。輸入元:サウスコーポ ワイナーズ ノース アメリカ、モントレー、カリフォルニア州 電話番号:(408) 655-4848


