ワールズ・アパート・ワインズ・ライツ・オブ・スプリング・グレナッシュ 2023 12 750ml ¥ 3,500 ¥ 3,850 Screw """Grenache グルナッシュ"""
"このワインは、ワシントンDCのポスト・ハードコアバンド「ライツ・オブ・スプリング」にインスパイアされています。バンド名はストラヴィンスキーのバレエに由来し、古代の異教徒の儀式に触発されたものです。マクラーレン・フラットのウッド・ヴィンヤードからの手摘みのグレナッシュを使用し、自然発酵で仕込まれ、8ヶ月間フランス産オーク樽で熟成されています。 "
Rites of Spring refers to a Washington DC post-hardcore band whose members went on to form Fugazi, who were referring to a Stravinsky ballet that caused a full blown riot in Paris, that was referring to ancient Pagan rituals in which a “Chosen One” was sacrificed to the Earth by dancing until their death… so basically it’s a riff on the Ochota Barrels ‘Fugazi’ Grenache and a bunch of other punk boy nonsense. The fruit comes from the Wood Vineyard in McLaren Flat which is adjacent to Blewitt Springs (both in McLaren Vale). Grapes were hand picked and then fermented spontaneously in open-top fermenters with 50% whole clusters and 50% crushed fruit. After 10-30 days of skin contact depending on the lot, the wine was pressed off the skins and sent to neutral French oak for 8 months of aging. It was then bottled with just 52 ppm sulfur and a gentle filtration. No fining.
Organic オーガニック 認証 無しMcLaren Vale, SA